Friday, September 25, 2009

Rematch a Must

Interesting game today, I lost by one point. That is not all that interesting in itself. What was most distressful was along the way Mumsey managed to put 3 cards in her crib. Thus she only had 3 cards in her hand to play and a five card crib!!! How could she not notice her short hand? Well I did and also her fat crib. So she let me remove one card unseen from her crib and then she counted the points. That removed card obviously was a part of her short hand. And of course it all worked out in her favor. I think that is a lot of suspicious cribbaging. To appease me, she said if the game ended being a close game we would have a rematch later today. Hmmm, I wonder if either of us will remember to play again today? Our schedule is so tight here.

1 comment:

  1. "Our schedule is so tight here."
    Really, what pressing actions are needed by you or Mumsey?
    Being retired myself I'm pretty much free to do what I want!
